Earwig des monats: November 2023



Wir leben derzeit tatsächlich wieder sowohl national als auch vor allem international gesehen in „schwierigen“ Zeiten. Vor allem Kriege in mehreren Teilen der Welt fordern immer wieder Menschenleben. Man könnte fast sagen, die Menschheit lebt teilweise wieder in Angst. Und diese Angst ist „garantiert“, so lange sich an der aktuellen Situation nichts Grundlegendes ändert. Doch die Hoffnung auf Besserung ist leider sehr gering: „GUARANTEE FOR A SCARY LIFE“.


I just want to use this song to ask you, why it has to be like this.
Oh yeah, why it has to be like this.

There´s a war in the Ukraine, bodies in the streets.
Hope for peace, it seems in vain. But peace is what we need.

Rockets over Israel, just where Jesus lived.
It´s the dirty face of hell and not Jesus´ gift.

Look around and what you see: Troubles, worried minds.
And that is a guarantee for a scary life.


There´s no peace around the world, humanity ´s been gone.
True charity we haven´t learned, what is to be done?

Look around and what you see: Troubles, worried minds.
And that is a guarantee for a scary life.

Uh la la la la la – uh la la la la la.
Uh la la la la la – uh la la la la la.

Look around and what you see: Troubles, worried minds.
And that is a guarantee for a scary life.

Shootings without pondering make the people cry.
And victims they are wondering: “Hey, please tell me why?”

Who will bury the battle axe? Who can stop the wars?
Peace in the world, it seems like wax, melting in the sun.

Look around and what you see: Troubles, worried minds.
And that is a guarantee for a scary life.

Tell me, why it has to be? What´s the reason, what,
For words full of hostility and countries full of blood?

Look around and what you see: Troubles, worried minds.
And that is a guarantee for a scary life.

Im Dezember werden wir nostalgisch und weihnachtlich:
„Kinder vor dem Weihnachtsbaum“

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