Eine sanfte Ballade mit traurigem Inhalt: Eine offensichtlich große Liebe war letzten Endes doch zum Scheitern verurteilt, da sie „nicht mehr mitspielte“ (!?). Was war der Grund, was hat sich bei ihr verändert, warum verhielt sie sich so? Die Frage bleibt offen, denn die Geschichte wird aus der Sicht des ahnungslosen Mannes erzählt, der einfach nur noch resignierend sagen kann: „I will go“: „BABY YOU KNOW“.
Baby you know, baby you know,
I gave you all my heart.
Baby you know, baby you know,
From the very start.
When we got to know, my love was so bright,
I thought it would never end.
Was trying to catch the stars of the night,
Got so many kisses to spend.
Baby you know, I cannot show
How you made me cry.
Baby you know, I have to go,
Let us say Good-Bye.
When we got to know, my love was so bright,
I thought it would never end.
Was trying to catch the stars of the night,
Got so many kisses to spend.
Baby you know – don´t you see, it´s true.
Baby you know – you made my eyes blue.
Baby you know – can´t stay by your side,
Baby you know – no, I can´t stay the fight.
Sorry, why did you behave like that?
Oh darling – I tell you I loved you so much.
Oh darling – just wanted your feelings, to touch.
When we got to know, my love was so bright,
I thought it would never end.
Was trying to catch the stars of the night,
Got so many kisses to spend.
Baby I know, this love cannot grow,
Though it breaks my heart.
Baby I know, your love was a show,
Time has come to part.
Oh darling, it´s been such a hard time, I know.
Oh darling, can´t say any more. I will go.
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