Earwig des monats: Oktober 2021

Song Nr. 81 – The Perfect Husband

video-clip Solch eine Geschichte kann immer wieder passieren: Denn so kann es gehen, wenn ein Vater beabsichtigt, seiner nun schon 20jährigen, vielleicht heiratsfähigen (?) Tochter eine „gute Partie“ einzureden. Aber, gottseidank, Geld ist schließlich nicht alles, und die junge Frau hat mit Recht ihre eigenen Pläne: „THE PERFECT HUSBAND“

Lyrics Song Nr. 81 – The Perfect Husband

He is a busy worker,
Almost a tireless worker.
On every day of every week.

Creating where ever he can,
Really a very strong man.
Always considerate and meek.

He´s a respected blacksmith.
Maybe a man to laugh with.
I mean it very well with you:

So, I´m telling you,
My pretty twenty years old daughter,
And hope that you will agree.

I tell you straight to your face:
I think he is the perfect husband,
He´s your ideal husband … for me!

His jokes aren´t always funny.
But he got a lot of money,
You don´t have to laugh, if you don´t want.

He´s got a shiny bald head,
Inherits a lot when he´s dead.
Don´t see disadvantages, I can´t.

He is a man to talk to.
Maybe a guy who loves you?
I mean it very well with you:

So, I´m telling you,
My pretty twenty years old daughter,
And hope that you will agree.

I tell you straight to your face:
I think he is the perfect husband,
He´s your ideal husband … for me!


There comes my little baby,
Answering like a lady:
Daddy, I tell you what I´ll do:

And she´s telling me,
I was a calculating father.
And tears falling on my knees.

Oh babe, I have to admit,
Just your heart can make the right decision,
And detects your perfect husband,
Detects your perfect husband,
And what´s the best for you … not for me!

Im November folgt unser Song Nr. 82 über Gewohnheitsmenschen:


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