Jawohl, es gibt solche Menschen, die zumindest neue Füße bräuchten, um sich dazu zu überwinden, einmal die heimischen Gefilde verlassen, um „mal etwas Anderes“ zu sehen. Da wiegt das gewohnte abgestandene Bier in seiner Stammkneipe schon schwerer als ferne Lande, die der Kumpel besuchen will. Ist ja nicht schlimm, wenn einem mal etwas weh tut. Denn solange man jedem Streit aus dem Wege geht und sich keinen Stress macht, gilt das Motto: „IT´S ALRIGHT“.
Wound up at home, my throat was feeling sore.
Went into a barroom, had some beer or more.
There was guy, who tried to get me right into a fight.
Put down my bag, was looking bad.
And then I said: “Let´s go my friend.
It´s alright!”
I felt so wasted, when Johnny waved Hello.
And talked about the Tropics, where he´d like to go.
But I said: “My friend, you know, it isn´t really fair,
I´m stuck here, with my stale beer.
I´m living here, won´t get nowhere.
It´s alright!”
I just checked my dough when Mary stepped on in.
She took a seat and asked me for a drink.
And said she knew exactly that one thing I badly need.
I grinned and said: “Another pair of feet.
Maybe that´s what I need”.
Went to my home, I want to find some sleep.
Dreaming a dream: “The life I´d like to lead”.
I woke up in the morning and my heart began to ache.
Pulled on my shirt, that´s full of dirt.
Pulled on my jeans. That´s what it means:
“It´s alright!”
I´m that kind of guy, maybe you´ll shake your head.
If you don´t understand what´s on my mind.
Snuffing at a flower while I´m stroking neighbour´s cat.
I smell my home. Well, that is what I need.
Or another pair of feet.
Yes, I´m that kind of guy. Maybe you´ll shake your head,
Don´t mention everything, but I´m not blind.
Well, I am not stressed, my friend. I do relax instead.
Maybe I´m lazy, leisure´s on my mind.
Leisure´s on my mind…
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