Jetzt ist es wohl zu spät. Wenn es nicht passt, dann passt es nicht. Dann hilft es auch nicht, wenn sich einer der beiden Partner „verbiegt“. Denn wenn es fast schon weh tut, dann muss man sich eben trennen. Sollte man Fehler gemacht und es zu spät eingesehen haben, dann ist es leider tatsächlich zu spät – dann… „WHEN YOUR LOVER ´S GONE“.
I know you don´t like it,
Don´t like the words I have to say.
So you will close your ears. Then,
When I say them anyway.
Today I´m awoken.
And now I need to take a rest.
Maybe your heart is broken,
Was hard to do my best.
The way you loved me,
Was just a way to be alone.
My baby, you will realize,
Now, when your lover´s gone.
Dispite the tears you were crying,
There´s no regret, no wrong or right.
But just the flash of a lightning,
Is painting colours in the night.
The way you loved me,
Was just a way to be alone.
My baby, you will realize,
Now, when your lover´s gone.
Well, I know you did not like it,
You did not like what I´d to say.
And though you closed your ears. Well,
I had to say it anyway.
The way you loved me,
Was just a way to be alone.
My baby, you will realize.
Now… When your lover´s gone.
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