Am 29. April 2015 veröffentlichten wir unsere ersten beiden eigenen Songs auf YouTube: „You Are Welcome“ und „One And One Are Two“. Denn seit Mai 2015 bringen wir unseren „Earwig des Monats“. Exakt ab heute – dem 29. April 2019, also auf den Tag genau 4 Jahre später – lassen wir einige Songs unserer ersten beiden Jahre 2015 und 2016 einmal kurz Revue passieren: Im Rahmen eines Medleys (früher sagte man dazu Potpourri), mit Ausschnitten aus einem Teil unserer Songs aus diesem Zeitraum. Lehnt Euch mal ein gutes Viertelstündchen zurück und erinnert Euch zusammen mit uns an unsere Anfänge. Viel Spaß dabei…
1 – Hey, You Are Welcome – first of our songs.
The Little Earwigs say “Hello”!
From Darmstadt City we do come along,
Let´s Go !
You´re welcome.
You´re welcome.
2 – Have you closed your office door?
Have you cleaned your dirty floor?
We tell you if your work is done,
Listen to our little song.
Have you closed your office door?
Have you cleaned your dirty floor?
We tell you if your work is done,
Listen to our little song.
We took some notes into our heads.
Hope the songs are not too flat.
They are no impressive songs,
But are made for everyone, everyone!
Have you been in church to pray?
Have you had your meal today?
There ain`t nothing on TV,
Take a little time for me.
3 – He was a walrus, lived near Strawberry Fields.
A jealous guy, who was watching the wheels,
And who cried for his mother´s love.
Looking at all the stars above.
And there are hours in my life.
Imagine John is still alive.
But there´s no chance to turn back time.
John is dead.
I get mad.
I´m on the run.
Oh guy, what have you done.
John is dead, dead, dead!
I´m so sad, sad, sad.
I do long, long, long
For each unwritten song, song, song, song.
4 – Ich packte ihn an den Armen an.
Ich griff ihm in sein Genick.
Und schob ihn in Richtung Treppengang.
Mit einem sehr bösen Blick.
Der Kerl, er griff sein Köfferlein
Mit beiden Händen an.
Und ich war plötzlich ganz allein.
Will sagen, er verschwand.
Hausiererpech – mein Kram ist schlecht.
Und innen hohl. Der weiß das wohl.
Ich war wohl hier – an der falschen Tür.
Hausiererpech – mein Kram ist schlecht.
Und innen hohl. Der weiß das wohl.
Ich war wohl hier – an der falschen Tür.
5 – And some years later, when I had to go to my school,
I had no pleasure of learning, as I should do.
I brought my chemistry teacher just to despair.
Glued him honey – glued him honey on his chair.
Go my own way, just do the things I like to do.
Go my own way, think that is right for me.
Go my own way, but sometimes I do long for you.
I´ll go my way with you?
6 – This young little pussy cat,
Gently purring in my bed.
While the bunnies running free,
Many things I like to see.
But that ugly man with a tattooed head.
He just raped a young girl, until she was dead.
Do not think it´s (the) worst you have ever heard.
Hello boy, hello girl.
You have to notice all the evil in the world.
Now you´ve listened to that one song of mine.
Maybe you will believe, it was a waste of time.
Do not think it´s (the) worst you have ever heard.
Hello boy, hello girl.
You have to notice all the evil in the world.
7 – Du bist eine Show, und Deine Art macht mich an.
Feuer, lichterloh und unsichtbar – ein Vulkan.
Oh, oh.
Crazy macht mich alles, was Du sagst und Du machst.
Wahnsinn, Deine Augen und Dein Mund, wenn Du lachst.
Oh, oh.
Oh Baby, lass uns tanzen geh´n.
Baby, die Nacht wird wunderschön.
Baby, zieh das Rote an.
Hey Crazy Baby, darauf steht ein Mann.
Oh, oh.
8 – Just like Sunday morning,
No more a day,
Just like Sunday morning.
I don´t know, what I have done to you.
Can you tell me, what I have to do ?
A cloudy day, no warming sun.
And heaven tells me, you have gone !
But birds keep (on) chirping on the trees.
Humming the bees,
Just like Sunday morning.
And I am pleased.
Almost Sunday morning.
I don´t know, what I have done to you.
But it´s senseless to be sad and blue.
9 – Before you count to one, my baby, I have gone.
Without regards for being quite sad.
Before you count to three, my baby, you´ll be free.
Still before you are going to bed.
Flirting with that guy, never being shy,
Kissing my neighbors young son.
But there will be a day you have to stop that play
Or catch me, cause I´m on the run.
I know, that´s your way – I know, you´ll always play.
I know, it´s your mind – I know, you´re that kind.
Before you count to one, my baby, I have gone.
Without regards for being quite sad.
Before you count to three, my baby, you´ll be free.
Still before you are going to bed.
10 – You changed my life,
Appearing on the scene.
And I forget the things around.
There are no clouds up on the sky.
You read my wishes in my eyes.
You`re by my side,
When shopping in the town.
I do not see the traffic signs.
The cars around me seem to fly,
Forget the things I have to buy.
And the people shake their heads – about me.
But I do not care, whatever they think,
Cause one and one are two,
One and one are two.
I believe in you – one and one are two.
I believe in you – one and one are two.
I believe in you – one and one are two.
One and one are two.
11 – The time with her has gone so fast,
Just like it never happened.
And now the hands of time don´t seem to move.
And in some dark and lonely night
A single star is shining.
Like fire pouring from her deep blue eyes.
Ah, ah – my sweet Susannah.
I need you more that any one before.
Ah, ah – my sweet Susannah.
Please let me be the keeper of your door.
12 – But when I hold you, I get troubles of my own.
And when I kiss you, I feel troubles of my own.
What people said (they said),
Yeah, they were right, girl (was right).
So I´m not sad (not sad)
I think it´s good (I think it´s good).
I realized (realized)
You won´t be mine, girl (not mine).
Though I did the best I could (I did).
But when I hold you, I get troubles of my own.
And when I kiss you, I feel troubles of my own.
13 – What´s gone, don´t matter anymore.
There ain´t a good thing that will last.
Just turn the key and lock that door.
We can´t keep living in the past.
Na na na na na, na na, na na, na na na na na.
Na na na na na, na na, na na, na na na na na.
There are no words left to be told.
It´s all so very plain to see.
These loving eyes are growing cold,
Look at you, look at me !
Na na na na na, na na, na na, na na na na na.
Na na na na na, na na, na na, na na na na na
Na na na na na, na na, na na, na na na na na.
14 – Kein Zank, kein Streit, kein schneller Termin, oh no.
Zufriedenheit, ganz tief in dir drin, oh oh oh oh oh.
Du blickst auf die Tanne, mit Kugeln so bunt.
Sie ist wunderschön.
Berührt auch Dein Herz, noch bist Du gesund.
So soll´s weitergeh´n.
Doch denk auch an die, die im Schatten steh´n.
Ein stilles Weihnachtsfest.
Dein stilles Weihnachtsfest.
Die Zeit, sie ruht. Und es geht Dir gut.
Ein frohes Weihnachtsfest.
Gesundes Weihnachtsfest.
Und sehr viel Glück – im kommenden Jahr.
Die 14 ausgewählten Song-Ausschnitte aus den Jahren 2015 und 2016:
00. Instrumental-Intro: Animals
01. You´re Welcome
02. Our Songs For Every One
03. John Is Dead (In Memory Of John Lennon)
04. Look At Me, Look At You
05. Go My Own Way
06. Count To Three
07. Just Like Sunday Morning
08. Hey, Crazy Baby!
09. That Evil In The World
10. My Sweet Susannah
11. One And One Are Two
12. Hausiererpech
13. Troubles Of My Own
14. Dein stilles Weihnachtsfest
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