Corona – Corona – Corona. Fast hört man seit März 2020 nichts anderes mehr. Rundfunk und Fernsehen, Presse und Internet – die Pandemie und das Virus „Covid 19“ hat die Welt fest im Griff. Es ist fast ein Wunder, dass wir diese Situation musikalisch bisher noch nicht aufgegriffen hatten. Und wer weiß, ob dies jetzt geschehen wäre, hätte unsere in Ungarn lebende „Followerin“ Maggie Kunze nicht die Initiative ergriffen und ein nachdenkliches Gedicht zu diesem Thema geschrieben. Uns hat dies beeindruckt und wir haben uns bei der Autorin die Genehmigung eingeholt, diese Verse musikalisch zu vertonen. Und so geschah es: Unser Song zum weltweiten Corona-Chaos im Jahre 2020: „THE GHOST“.
I walk the roads, they´re empty at last.
Cleared by „The Ghost“, that nobody wants.
I walk the woods, where spring has moved in.
But „The Ghost“ cleared the woods, no souls there to see.
Hey! Is there anybody, please? (Is there anybody, please),
To teach me right? (Please teach me right).
What shall we do? (What can we do),
To win this fight? (Let´s win this fight!)
Are they right or are they wrong? (Tell me, are they right or wrong?)
How shall we keep things going on?
I walk the mountains, far wide and green.
Will there be a summer? Let’s hope and see.
A summer of love, a summer of peace.
A summer of health, a time of carelessness.
Is there anybody, please? (Is there anybody, please),
To teach me right? (Please teach me right).
What shall we do? (What can we do),
To win this fight? (Let´s win this fight!)
Are they right or are they wrong? (Tell me, are they right or wrong?)
How shall we keep things going on?
Is there anybody please? (Is there anybody, please),
To teach me right? (Please teach me right).
What shall we do? (What can we do),
To win this fight? (Let´s win this fight!)
Are they right or are they wrong? (Tell me, are they right or wrong?)
But in the end we will be strong!
Who the hell is responsible for this fucking “Ghost” that was sent to us?
We’ll probably never find out…
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