When they remember the first day – then – of my life.
They were in trouble, the doctor and the midwife.
My mother´s face, horrified. Well, that wife had no fun,
But I did not – yes, I really did not come.

And some years later, when I had to go to my school,
I had no pleasure of learning, as I should do.
I brought my chemistry teacher just to despair.
Glued him honey – glued him honey on his chair.

Go my own way. Just do the things I like to do.
Go my own way. Think that is right for me.
Go my own way. But sometimes I do long for you.
I´ll go my way with you?


The time, it went on, I grew older, day after day.
And I realized there is no place I´d like to stay.
There´s no business and no employment that I could stand.
I was waiting – waiting for the “Promised Land”.

But when I´m with you, kiss your lips, caressing your neck
I´ve got that feeling, my brain and my mind will come back.
And I feel, that you are the right one, here I should stay.
So I´m sorry – yes, this I should never say:

No !

Go my own way. Just do the things I like to do.
Go my own way. And that is right for me.
Go my own way. It´s over now, these times went by.
I´ll go my way with you.
And now my dreams come true…

Infos und Kommentare zum Song Nr.06

Earwig des Monats August – „Go My Own Way“06-Go My Own Way

Earwig des monats: August 2015

Song Nr. 06 - Go My Own Way


So mancher Jüngling hat schon immer gerne das gemacht, was er wollte. Ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste. Auch wenn er dann mal auf die Schnauze gefallen ist. Aber wenn dann die große Liebe in sein Leben tritt, dann wird auch er plötzlich ganz klein mit Hut – und nun weiß auch er, wo er eigentlich hingehört: „GO MY OWN WAY“.

Lyrics Song Nr. 06 - Go My Own Way

When they remember the first day – then – of my life.
They were in trouble, the doctor and the midwife.
My mother´s face, horrified. Well, that wife had no fun,
But I did not – yes, I really did not come.

And some years later, when I had to go to my school,
I had no pleasure of learning, as I should do.
I brought my chemistry teacher just to despair.
Glued him honey – glued him honey on his chair.

Go my own way. Just do the things I like to do.
Go my own way. Think that is right for me.
Go my own way. But sometimes I do long for you.
I´ll go my way with you?


The time, it went on, I grew older, day after day.
And I realized there is no place I´d like to stay.
There´s no business and no employment that I could stand.
I was waiting – waiting for the “Promised Land”.

But when I´m with you, kiss your lips, caressing your neck
I´ve got that feeling, my brain and my mind will come back.
And I feel, that you are the right one, here I should stay.
So I´m sorry – yes, this I should never say:

No !

Go my own way. Just do the things I like to do.
Go my own way. And that is right for me.
Go my own way. It´s over now, these times went by.
I´ll go my way with you.
And now my dreams come true…

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