Manchmal kann eine Gitarre also offensichtlich doch noch mehr sein als nur ein reines Musikinstrument. Sie ist ja schon direkt ein kleiner Psychotherapeut, wenn sie über zu viel Hiebe vom Papa, zu wenig Liebe vom Arbeitgeber und sogar über zu wenig Triebe bei der neuen Partnerin hinwegtrösten kann. Zumindest so lange man noch Freunde hat, denen man darauf etwas vorspielen und vorsingen kann. Naja, wenn’s hilft: „TOOK MY GUITAR“
When I was just a little boy,
Could hardly read and write.
My parents wore the preaches.
Told me, they were always right.
Sometimes I broke a flower pot.
Or drank my pa´s champagne.
Now the fat was in the fire
And all my crying was in vain.
Took my guitar and my legs in my hand.
Closed my eyes, sang a song for my friends.
When I grew up I got a job.
Right in the neighborhood.
The foreman´s hard to satisfy
But I did the best I could.
A few weeks later I got fired.
Was out of work again.
Now the fat was in the fire
And all my crying was in vain.
Took my guitar and my legs in my hand.
Closed my eyes, sang a song for my friends.
Now it´s been only yesterday
I met a green-eyed chick.
She promised me her loyalty.
But she didn´t stick to it.
I´ve seen her with another man,
She didn´t look the same.
Today the fat is in the fire.
And I will do the same again:
Take my guitar and my legs in my hand.
Close my eyes, sing that song for my friends.
Take my guitar and my legs in my hand.
Close my eyes, sing that song for my friends.
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